About Eight Stars Astrology

Meet jill brown

Former NASA Research Scientist. Current Evolutionary Astrologer.

I have always enjoyed being at the intersection of science and spirituality. Once referred to as a “unicorn” by a recruiter at NASA, I’m passionate about Evolutionary Astrology (especially Chiron and its key to unlocking healing and purpose), aviation and birds. I bring an organized, approachable method to natal chart readings so you can enrich your understanding of yourself and embrace your authentic self. Your power, passion and cosmic purpose are all written in the stars.

  • Taurus Sun, Leo Moon, Sagittarius Rising

  • Chiron conjunct the Sun, 5th House, Taurus

  • Chiron conjunct the Sun is the focalizer of my Yod

My Stats

My Values



Living life authentically takes courage, and it is the cornerstone of your work. Through understanding yourself you can begin to discern what is for you and what is not. This is where you unlock your power and true happiness.



We are all connected through space and time. From our ancestral lines to those we pass on the street, acknowledging the energy of connection that you share with others, known and unknown, is imperative to your personal growth journey.



By approaching life through a lens of curiosity life offers you so much more. You must retain a child’s mindset of curiosity and questioning to leave behind the conditioning you have been born into to discover your authentic values. 



You must take radical accountability for your life and actions. Choosing to live as a victim of circumstance prevents you from living in your power and from consciously co-creating the life of your dreams. Taking ownership of your whole self and actions enables you to find true joy.

Client Testimonials

  • I hope you never doubt your gifts and intuition – because my reading with you was exactly spot-on. I’ve never spoken to anyone but my therapist about a few of the events you were able to spot in my chart and I felt validated, seen and can understand my path forward even clearer now. Thank you!

    Brittany, Ireland

  • I loved meeting and deeply appreciated our session! Thank you for all the resources, too!

    Stephanie, Singapore

  • I resonate with your style and felt a big shift/opening afterward!

    Nancy, USA

  • I’ve had readings before but never one quite like this. Your insights into my chart were spot on and your organization, delivery and template were eye-opening. I learned a lot about myself, but also about astrology – I want to go even deeper now!

    Emily, USA


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The Chiron Key: How to Find Your Karmic Wound and Unlock Your Cosmic Mission Statement.

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