New Moon in Libra: October 14, 2023

An image of Egyptian goddess Ma'at with her wings.

New Moon in Libra: October 14, 2023 at 1:54pm eastern

Invoking the Goddess Ma’at for New Relationships 

Odds are even if you don’t know the name Ma’at, you know what she looks like. In amongst the beautiful depictions of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs is often a winged woman, arms outstretched, or pointing. This is the goddess Ma'at in charge of truth, justice, balance, and order in Egypt. She is sometimes depicted with her beautiful wings, and other times as a woman who is either sitting or standing with an ostrich feather in her headdress, symbolic of the feather she would place on the scales of your afterlife. If you’d lead a good life (recorded in your heart) and your heart was as light, or lighter than the feather, you passed to paradise to live with Osiris. If not, well your heart was food for Ammut (“the devourer” – with a crocodile head, lion body and hippo bum) and you were cast into darkness. 


Placing Your Heart Against the Goddess’s Feather

The symbolism of Ma’at could not be better for this New Moon. Every New Moon is a little death. A chance for radical new beginning. A re-start: a new cycle (throw in the added annular solar eclipse, too, just to drive home the revelations coming to light message). She judges the scales of balance and justice of a person’s heart with her feather just as this New Moon in Libra reflects the scales: balance, equality, equilibrium and this solar eclipse is revealing things hidden previously in the hearts of man.


The Moon is also in a harmonious aspect to Saturn and Venus so there’s a message of balance and justice in career and in love, as well as with Mars and Mercury which can imbibe you with the energy and cleverness your need to make things happen. In other words, if you have been wanting to attract a radically new way of experiencing a loving, honest relationship into your life (in your career or in love), this is the New Moon for you. Also plan to witness some justice revealed for relationships that maybe were not true to your heart as they’ll be weighed in the scales and all will be revealed.


Struck Through the Heart – and You’re to Blame

Whatever you want to reinvigorate - this lunar phase will provide swift results. Be warned, however, that in order for great to happen, good must step aside. This lunation is very powerful and there could be swift, impactful resolutions to past injustices at work, or of the heart, as Ma’at brings order, balance, and justice to those wronged. If you’ve given your heart and soul to a career, relationship or person that no longer deserves it, be prepared for radical change as these unjust actions will be weighed against the feather and those found unworthy will be cast down to the devourer to consume. This can mean you, too. If you’ve not been fair, just or honest in your own actions and deeds, your own heart could be on the chopping block this time. It’s a doozy of a New Moon ladies and gents.


Finding Your Right Partner: When Only a God or Goddess Will Do

Overseeing the feather-weighting scales of the afterlife in Ma’at’s Great Hall of justice was Anubis (the jackal headed god of embalming) and Ma’at's husband Thoth, who recorded all the proceedings in his great record keeping book. Thoth known as the god of wisdom, of the moon, mathematics, science, magic, keeper of knowledge, and patron of scribes. I kind of love the workplace romance here, where Thoth and Ma’at work together and are married, but also let’s keep in mind the theme of the god of the moon and wisdom married to the goddess of justice and balance: original power couple.


Each had a voice, a powerful role, and in their embracing of their own unique powers, they are harmoniously powerful together. Neither is a victim. Neither needs the other. They came together in balanced power and the conscious coupling of 1 + 1 = infinity vs. 0+1 = finally I’m a whole person with a partner. Thoth would never do that kind of math. Ma’at would never condone that imbalance or injustice to the divine light in each of us.


Scribing Your Own Justice

There’s a reinforced element of right love, good relationship and balanced power dynamic to Ma’at and Thoth and to this New Moon. Call on Thoth and his scribe abilities to put pen to paper this New Moon with the following writing prompts.


1.     Where and with whom have I given away my power in the past and allowed injustice to overtake that relationship (love or work)?

2.     When did I allow myself to give my power to another to hold and control?

3.     How did it make me feel to be in this power imbalance/dynamic?

4.     What would I say to this person now that would allow me to take back my power and release them any further responsibility or sway over me (write it down)?


I then recommend you call on Ma’at and burn (safely!) this paper and repeat to yourself:


I surrender my need for justice to the Divine, who settles all karma perfectly in perfect time. I release this person fully, and with these ashes, rise from that version of my past in my full power. I am attracting the right, divine relationship to me that is balanced, fair, wise and enduring. Amen.


Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra: October 14