January 2024 New Moon in Capricorn + Exclusive Workbook

An image of the New Moon in Capricorn

If you’d like to learn more about this January New Moon in Capricorn, its theme for your Rising Sign, and some New Moon practices to try (this month it’s dream questing), there is a New Moon in Capricorn workbook available now in the shop section. This instant download will provide you with a deep-dive into the energies and themes of the New Moon, some practices to try that can help deepen your relationship with the manifestation cycles of the New Moon, as well as some themes you can use to align even deeper with this New Moon based on your rising sign. It’s available now for immediate download to read or print for only $9 in the shop.

The Intersectionality of Spirit and Science

If you’ve been a follower for a while, you know one of the things I enjoy exploring is where science and spirit meet. How do these two concepts and disciplines compliment and support each other? How do they help fuel discovery of the self and the globe? It is my belief that when we improve ourselves, when we return to love, when we do the small and large acts of service, kindness and the art that lights us up (whatever that art may be) we are impacting our own lives and the broader world. I believe we are so interconnected that joy in us is producing joy and healing for our planet and community.

What I Want for Myself, I Want for the World

With the moon (feeling, emotion, trust) in Capricorn (discipline, ambition, hard work) these two ideas are married together in a healthy union. It’s an absolutely wonderful opportunity to start the New Year off with a New Moon that is asking you what you really want in 2024. What does it feel like? How do you feel each month as you celebrate aspects of it? How are you focused on the broader emotions and feelings your goals invoke versus the details of how it’s going to happen? This New Moon is ready to support you with its magical lunar properties supported by its practical transit movement. If you’re interested in diving deeper - the New Moon in Capricorn book is available in the shop for download to explore beyond.

Aim for the Moon…

…Even if you fall short you’ll land among the stars. That is the theme for this New Moon kicking off your year. The astrology of 2024 has a lot of turbulence, so this is an opportunity to fix your sites on your own impossible dreams and stay focused through the year as the details fall in (and out, and back in again) place. If you want the end of this year to feel different, if you want to see things manifest this year that are totally unknown and seen before – you need to start this year off by doing something very different and sticking with it. We can’t solve our problems with the same thinking we used to create them. My wish for you this year is your commitment to doing radically different thinking to create long-lasting changes you’ve always dreamed about – and can have – through your focus and faith.


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