Practical Magic Prep for June 2024 New Moon in Gemini

June New Moon in Gemini

Thursday, June 6

Times Vary Throughout Day/Location

The Question Isn’t When You Gonna Stop; It’s Who’s Gonna Stop You?

This New Moon in Gemini is the ideal growing conditions to launch any long-term endeavor you’ve been wanting to see to success. Just like you want to give a seed the best conditions under which to flourish – you want to start a business, launch a book or product, or start a new job on the right foot. This is the lunation for that right foot. It’s a great time to go for it! The only thing getting in your way right now, will be you. If you miss the boat, remember that by July – we will have many of our planets in retrograde – and the energy to launch and initiate slows way down. So now is the time to burn the midnight oil and get that project dusted and done!


Sleeping with a Full Moon Blanket… Seven Feathers for My Head.

The Gemini New Moon is happening in concert with the tail end of the other auspicious energies we started on the first. Recall the Sun is in its finals day of being conjunct Venus and Jupiter is also lingering for one last day in its trine with Pluto. This amps up the intensity of the power of this lunation – again, calling you to start. To do it now. Success is all the little steps and commitments we take every day that add up over time. But you have to start now. 

And I’m Left Behind. As the Seasons Roll on by…

Finally, this New Moon also is benefiting from aspects of justice, of fairness and harmony. Everyone wants to start off with a good impression and a good foundation. This lunation is supported by that sense of equality, support, luck and good fortune. It’s one of the best New Moons of 2024 to start something (don’t be starting $h*t though). Go for it. You have the Universe’s permission slip and personal invitation.


May Full Moon in Sagittarius