Full Moon Image

Full Moon in Sagittarius

Thursday, May 23

Times Vary Throughout Day/Location

You crossed this line. Do you find it hard to sit with me tonight?

This is a Full Moon of release. All Full Moons are about letting go, unwinding, they wind down the energy of a lunar cycle, as the full becomes dark. However, this May Full Moon in Sagittarius is inviting, nay insisting, you come to terms with an ending. Something in your life is reaching its end and that is damn scary. Even when we know it is good. A move. A relationship. A completion of a cycle (children graduating and leaving the nest, University students completing degrees and stepping into the “real” world – whatever the hell that means). Some people and moments are the last and while they’re happening – we never know they’ll be the last. Others we know. We feel their weight in our bones and the flood of emotion that hides behind our dry eyes, ready to come forth and drown us in tears enough to flood the whole world. A cycle is done. You can feel it. And this Full Moon will help you let it go.

I’ve Walked These Miles, but I Walked Them Straight Line

While the Full Moon is asking you to let go, it’s acknowledging that this is hard to do – for all of us. How many times have you prayed for a new gig, then felt sick with anxiety the night before nervous about it? Or wished for a change of scenery, but felt overwhelmed when the move is actually here and you have to pick up your feet and transport yourself? Or asked for signs and answers to relationships, realizing the end was the closure and sign you needed – and felt a loss anyway? Letting go is hard. Change is hard. In America there was a wonderful man named Fred Rogers who had a children’s television show called “Mr. Rogers Neighborhood” that was so influential in my childhood. Fred Rogers would always remind children of something that helped him when he was a boy. He said his mother would tell him when you’re scared, or things are hard, look for the helpers – they’re always there. This Full Moon has a harmonious aspect to Jupiter, Pluto and Venus as a way of giving you some helpers. They’re there, just look for their support.  

Don't You Know that it's Only Fear? I Wouldn't Worry, You have all Your Life

So what are these two cosmic helpers doing? Jupiter (optimism, luck, prosperity, expansion) is offering a bigger picture and some good luck with relationships, even as they unwind or as a cycle ends, to find good footing and right balance for everyone. Pluto (depth, regeneration, intimacy and truth) are peeling back the layers of the situation to let you see it for what it really is – that kind of clarity can be critical to adapting to change. Finally, Venus (our sense of worth, security and relationship) is blessing us with the self-confidence and trust in ourselves to make the right choices. You will thrive again. All will be well.  

Look to the Helpers

Full Moons are always an initiation cycle for shedding or letting go. With that kind of change can come uneasiness. Breath deeply and keep your eyes out for the helpers. Or if you’re in a position to do so, be a helper yourself for those in your life you love that might need you. Sometimes we have to stand up and be the change we wish to see in our world.  

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’” – Fred Rogers


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