New Moon in Aries + Total Solar Eclipse in Aries

A New Moon overlapping a solar eclipse

New Moon in Aries + Total Solar Eclipse in Aries

Monday, April 8

Times Vary Throughout Day/Location

The Big Wheel Keeps on Turning, On a Simple Line Day by Day

This is the first New Moon of the astrological New Year coupled with a Total Solar Eclipse and the combination of those two things is dynamite. Let’s talk about the Aries aspect of this New Moon first. The theme this lunar cycle will be related to the energetic archetypes of Aries – individuation, self-worth, courage, intelligent risk taking and independence. Aries is the first sign of the wheel of the zodiac and represents a new astrological year. As such this is the first new moon of that zodiac wheel New Year and its potent. Big revelations, big changes, big opportunities are coming – but remember there is a bit of shock & awe to that as well. Change often means letting go of something/someone in order for the new or desired to come in. Expect anything this lunation. It’s all possible, its all for the greatest good, but it might not all be comfortable or easy.


How Can You Have a Day Without a Night?

This New Moon also corresponds with a Total Solar Eclipse across North and Central America. What does that mean? In astronomy that means we earthlings experience solar eclipses when the moon transits between the earth and the sun, blocking the sunlight and casting its shadow which from earth appears to block out the sun and voila – darkness in the day! In the past this was an extremely ominous sign to ancient peoples. I give details examples in history and their outcomes for multiple solar eclipses throughout antiquity that have changed the course of recorded history in the New Moon Workbook this month – if you want to deep-dive that topic – it’s fascinating! The astrological impact here is one of duality: sudden, rapid change that is explosive and life-disrupting and also a long-lasting impact from those changes that lasts approximately six months after the eclipse. So whatever is going on right now, or happens in the next few weeks, expect it to last until the fall.


I Quietly Observe Standing in my Space… Daydreaming

This New Moon in Aries is also corresponding with Mercury retrograde in Aries, and while there was a post on that earlier, this is your reminder to pause before you react this month. Hold your space. Hold your tongue. And hold onto your patience while you navigate the world this month that may not have your emotional (and astrological) intelligence and realize they’re speaking and acting under the influence of the Mercury retrograde shadow. Knowledge is power, you know, and you can keep your boundaries but also keep your peace by not making decisions or saying things you’ll later regret when the retrograde calms down. If you have to, count to ten in your head before you respond. Write the email but don’t hit send. Politely excuse yourself from conversations and situations which don’t serve you with people who aren’t behaving appropriately. Keep to yourself if you need to but don’t get down in the mud with the pigs this month (energetically speaking).


Teardrop on the Fire of a Confession, Fearless on my Breath

With all the multi-faceted elements of this New Moon you will each have a very unique and individual experience with it. Regardless of your personal experience, you will each be impacted – there just is no way around that. So let me offer up this idea. Perhaps all these moments and experiences are not meant to hurt or harm you. Perhaps instead each perceived cut is actually an experience the cosmos is offering you to create the facets and shape that are revealing the true precious, unique gem you are. Afterall, faceted gemstones are cut to bring out their brilliance. These angles are cut to reflect light and brilliance back to the viewer – back to you. To remind you of the precious offering you are and the brilliant light you bring to this world, so that it may all be reflected back to you in radiance.

Don’t Get Any Big Ideas, They’re Not Gonna Happen

There is always a deeply fated aspect to eclipses. Sweeping and sudden change in our personal and collective experience that none of us can control, predict or forsee. For that reason, I always feel it’s best to stay open minded to what is happening around the eclipse season. You won’t be able to predict the changes coming. You won’t be able to control their outcome. This doesn’t mean you’re nothing and have no agency, what it means to me is surrendering some amount of your very human need to want to control and just allow.


For a Minute There, I Lost Myself, I Lost Myself

There is some divine surrender to the greater mystery of it all. The eclipse is reminding us that the alignment of the moon between sun and earth feels big, and it is, but the momentary shadow or darkness is not permanent. The shadow is . I believe life is always acting to our benefit and favor and when we can align toward the light, align toward trust, and hope – the bigger outcomes will be revealed outside this exact moment. Be patient with yourself, with the Universe, with others, it’s all unfolding perfectly and falling into a place and the mechanics of it are more than you could possibly orchestrate yourself. Risk surrendering to faith.

How Come I End up Where I Started? How Come I End up Where I Belong?

Who will be impacted the greatest by this New Moon transit and Solar Eclipse in Aries? Aries is a Cardinal sign and the cardinal signs will feel this energy the biggest. Check your rising sign (AC) sign, it’s the marker of your life and one of the most important of your chart. If you have a cardinal rising sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) expect to have the energetic signature of this double-hitter be even more amped up. Please don’t interpret this as bad – or I guess you can – but life is about your perspective. “Nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so.” If you want to know the specific horoscope for your rising sign, all 12 signs are included in this month’s New Moon in Aries + Solar Eclipse Workbook is available in the shop for instant download now.


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