Full Moon Prep: March 2024 Full Moon in Libra

A photograph of a Full Moon in Libra March 25, 2024 at 3am eastern.

Full Moon in Libra

March 25

3:00am eastern

Worm Moon, Sap Moon, Paschal Full Moon

Energy for this Moon

Air (Curiosity, Analysis, Clarity) and Cardinal (New Cycles, Influencing, Asserting)

Sign for this Moon

Libra and its archetypes; Advocate, Peacemaker, Diplomat, Friend, Counselor, Lover  

Theme for this Moon

Boldly walking away from the people, places and/or thoughts that are holding you back from living the lifestyle you greatly desire, from being your best self. Rapid change. Courageous shedding.  

Never Was a Cornflake Girl

This is a powerful Full Moon with many names and implications: Worm Moon or Sap Moon have their roots in traditional Indigenous cultures in North America and speak to the ground thawing and maple trees being tapped. The names speak (in the Northern Hemisphere) of winter starting to cede to spring. Of the stirrings of life again deep under the snow and freeze. Of life stirring again. It’s also a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse when the earth’s shadow will be cast over the Moon’s face. It’s a more subtle event than a full Lunar Eclipse (or the Solar Eclipse next month) but still a powerful one (see my past posts on the various eclipses and their meanings). What’s this Full Moon in Libra all about then? Personal Liberation.

So Are You Sane, Now We’re Through?

In addition to all its other names, this Full Moon is also the Paschal Full Moon which signifies the ecclesiastical full moon of the northern spring and is used to determine the date of Easter, much like the sacred Ramadan period begins based off the lunar calendar and began at sunset on the March New Moon on the 10th. The lunar cycles were so deeply important to ancient culture and remain so in modern culture in many ways you may not realize. Passover represents the freedom and exodus of the Israelites from their bondage in Egypt and as such, this Paschal Full Moon (which always is the first Full Moon after the Vernal Equinox) has strong symbolism with freedom, with radical change, with shedding.   

Right on Time, You Get Closer and Closer

Full Moons are always an initiation cycle for shedding, or letting go. With all the powerful symbolism and astrology behind this Full Moon in Libra you should be ready for big and lasting (like 6-months vs. the typical 29-day cycle) change and impacts related to personal freedom, to letting go of any mindsets or relationships that are holding you back from progress and liberation, and for fast-paced change. This is an amped up cycle and powerful moon so be ready to go!


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New Moon in Pisces: Creating Sacred Space