New Moon in Pisces: Creating Sacred Space

New Moon in Pisces

March 10

4:00 am eastern

Who Will Save Your Soul, And Those Lies that You Told?

This New Moon in Pisces is asking you to tap into your divine side and the mystical mysteries of the Universe. Pisces is associated with the 12th house, with visions, with the transcendent, with the 3rd eye and all the things we can only know by experiencing, by total faith, by surrender to the Divine. It’s a great lunation to make and hold space for the Divine in you. How? Quiet. Boundaries. A clear and willing mind. This is a great lunation for meditation, for journaling – but particularly channeled journaling where you allow messages to come through, and for anything related to movement and water. In fact, water is a conduit for channeling and insight, so a bath, a shower, a walk by or in a river (depending on your location) are all great ways to amp up the divine conduit in you.


We Can Sit on the Front Porch, the Sun can Warm My Feet

When we see Pisces we see imagination, too. When was the last time you let your imagination loose? When was the last time you let yourself sleep-in, or linger in inspiration versus doing? Doodle, draw, paint, collage – do something that allows your non-judgmental creativity to just be totally unhinged. When we allow ourselves to let go of what our art looks like, we open ourselves up to the imagination of the Divine playground of the muses. Can you create something this New Moon simply for the joy and act of creating it? Of letting your imagination be a kid again and draw red horses with purple manes and yellow tails and human smiles? Who cares what it looks like, let yourself go to the land of dreams, imagination and fun.


I Was Thinking I Might Fly Today, Just to Disprove All the Things That You Say

“It doesn’t take a talent to be mean, and words can crush things that are unseen. So please be careful with me, I’m sensitive, and I’d like to stay that way.” Pisces and Cancer are getting a bad wrap for being the sensitive ones but honestly, most of us have been highly de-sensitized in our modern lives. Might you be a little over stimulated and shutting down your sensitivities? The TV, the Radio, the Phone, the TV, most of us don’t do one thing anymore – we’re talking to our family while watching TV, or scrolling our phones while out to eat; maybe a embracing some focus and a little more sensitivity to your surroundings and your stimuli this New Moon could go a long way in grounding you back into the present moment. The moment from which dreams and imagination can be embraced and Divine messages can reach you through all the noise and distraction. 

If you’re interested in taking this New Moon further, check out the shop where the instant download New Moon in Pisces Workbook is packed with 14-pages of Pisces zodiac mythology and astrology, journal prompts, ceremony instructions for creating your own sacred space, a resources guide and an individual horoscope for this lunation based on your Rising Sign for all 12 signs of the zodiac. It also features a special section on the importance of and differences between cardinal, mutable and fixed signs in the zodiac - a great resource for those interested in learning a bit more about astrology and its organization.


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