Full Moon Prep: February 2024 Full Moon in Virgo

Full Moon in Virgo

February 24

7:30am eastern

Snow Moon, Hungry Moon, Raccoon Moon


And the Embers Never Fade, In Your City by the Lake

The Full Moon is about instituting a cycle of release and this February Full Moon is astrologically well timed with that theme: it’s time to let go. The astrological wheel of the year is coming to a close as Pisces season will be the last of the astrological year later this month, the winter is grinding on in the northern hemisphere but will give way soon to spring and in the southern hemisphere a release soon from the heat of summer, and all the while the world keeps spinning as the seasons let go and make way for their successor. Every time has a place and we must honor its place, but let it go when it’s played out. There’s no joy in clinging to the past. There’s no life in what lies behind you.

Speak to Me in a Language I Can Hear

February’s Full Moon has many names. It’s often referred to as the Snow Moon, the Hungry Moon and the Racoon Moon (which is adorable by the way) by indigenous people’s cultures of North America as its associated with times of heavy snow, winter’s lasting impact and the effecting hunger that often accompanied a long winter for our ancestors. While many of us are blessed in modernity to not endure cold, hungry winters in quite the same fashion, the lunar cycle is still reminding us that the physical body may need some tending to right now. This message is emphasized with the Full Moon being in Virgo, the sign of self-improvement, health and healing. Virgo is a very physical sign that seeks perfection of the body, our routines and our health.

And Right as Rain, I’m Not the Same, but I Feel the Same

If you’ve been feeling stuck, if you feel like the change in your health, your health routine or your letting go of the past is stalled out – this is an extremely powerful Full Moon for you to embrace. Try to prepare by writing out what you wish to release and then on the Full Moon consider burning or burying your message with intention.

Said You’d Give Me Light, but You Never Told Me About the Fire

The Full Moon in Virgo is an invitation to release and let go, no matter how painful or difficult. That which lies behind you is no longer relevant to where you’re going. You need to orient yourself forward. Thank the past, thank that version of yourself, or scream and curse at it, but love it and forgive it – and then move on. It’s time. You have to take the leap of faith that the fire might burn you down, but the light on the other side, the transformation, is worth it.  

And if I Was a Child. And the Child was Enough. Enough for Me to Love

It’s time to make peace with all the prior versions of yourself. When we carry hate, anger, resentment, it leaves a mark on our souls and bodies. It keeps us from experiencing the real truth – which is an always will be Love. These are easy words to write. Hard words to read. And hardest still to live. But I can promise you on the other side of forgiveness, the other side of loving yourself and all your incarnations leading up to and including today, there is peace. There is love. And all that peace begins with you.

When the Rain Washes You Clean, You’ll Know

Use this powerful Full Moon to let go. To give forgiveness. To embrace Christ consciousness and Universal Love – starting with yourself. If you’re finding that forgiveness or peace is hard, you may consider intermediaries. Therapy is one great avenue. I have a therapist I’ve worked with for over a decade and I love her. She’s facilitated so much change and healing for me. Another is to consider energetic healing modalities like Reiki, EFT tapping, hypnotherapy, shaman facilitated soul retrieval, church or religious services that align to your values, past-life regression therapy or sound baths (just to name a few - there are so many more!).


New Moon in Pisces: Creating Sacred Space


Venus in Your Birth Chart by Zodiac Sign