Venus in Your Birth Chart by Zodiac Sign

Getting to Know Your Venus Sign

Venus is her highest harmonics is empathy, passion, love and connection. In her lower harmonics she is jealousy, vanity, co-dependency or manipulation. When we do our Venus right, we allow love in and give it permission to soften our soul and enrich our lives.


She’s Got It, Yeah Baby, She’s Got It

Here are some things you may not know about our planet of love…

-       Venus retrogrades approximately every year and a half

-       Venus rules Taurus and Libra

-       Venus is considered a personal planet (those that represent our personal powers, physical lives and conscious choices)


Getting in Touch with Venus

Instead of focusing on romance, here are some Venusian questions you might consider asking yourself to get to know this goddess even better:

-       How do you best release your stress and experience peace?

-       What qualities for you need in another person to experience trust?

-       What qualities or experiences with another make you feel at ease? Intimate?


Venus by Sign

Look to your birth chart and see what sign your Venus falls in.



Absolute truth with myself and others. I am fiercely loyal, but expect and need the same devotion in return. I deserve equal footing with my right partner, where I am heard and honored, too.



I am questing after peace in my most intimate relationships. I seek partners that ground and stabilize me. Together we are building a home that is beautiful, safe and stable for peace.



Curiosity, intelligence and great conversation are three critical aspects of my right partner. I need mental stimulation for love. I need ideas, discussion, and a beautiful mind to create deep love.



Creating a home for my heart with the help of another is my evolutionary goal. Consciously crafting a partnership where I care for another with the same effort as they invest also back in me.



Finding someone to be the star of my show and for me, likewise, to play the starring role in their life. Giving up any performance in relationships that keep me from being real and having equal voice.



I understand that in order to be truly happy, I need a partner who is responsible, hard-working and proud of the work they do. I respect a sense of purpose in my partner.



The perfect relationship. Okay, whoa – that’s maybe too much, but if ever a sign is seeking and capable of perfect harmony – it’s Venus in Libra. Balancing me and you so 1 + 1 can equal 3.



Naked total honesty is the only truth for Venus in Scorpio. Give it to me real, or really go along your away. It’s a baring of souls. It’s a learning of boundaries. When do you do which?



Love and Freedom. Holding onto something you love while also letting go so it and you have the freedom you need in life. Crafting a love so trustworthy and stable you can count on freedom.



Build a Masterpiece. I am here to create a love of a lifetime that is worth of being the opus of my heart and life’s work.


Scripting a New Narrative. Every culture throughout time has had its scripts on what it means to experience love and to be in partnerships. I’ll rewrite them all.



Spiritual Union of Souls. I recognize that in order to find my partner of a lifetime (and likely many other lifetimes), I need to be with someone connected to a higher purpose.


Venus by Sign Workbook

If you’d like to learn more about Venus and Venus placement by sign in your birth chart, I encourage you to purchase the Venus by Sign Workbook. This evergreen workbook is available for immediate download (to read and/or print) for only $9 in the shop.


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