New Moon in Aquarius: The Genius of Migration

The New Moon in Profile

New Moon in Aquarius

February 9

5:58pm eastern

It’s the First of the Month (So Get Up, Wake Up, Wake Up)

This New Moon represents a very good opportunity to restart, to celebrate, to start 2024 on new footing, to celebrate no matter what circumstances you may find yourself living in today – it’s a new start with a New Moon in Aquarius. Aquarius, to me, represents so beautifully the importance of perspective in life. The sign is often referred to as the energy of the rebel, the genius and the criminal – which one you embody is really up to perspective. To some, acts of rebellion are criminal, to others – genius. All that chaotic, exciting, totally new energy has the possibility to embody any level of the mix. You choose. Others will have their own opinions and perspectives. As long as you aren’t hurting anyone – I say go for it. 

If At First You Don’t Succeed (Dust Yourself Off and Try Again)

If your 2024 didn’t’ start off with a bang the way you hoped, don’t fret. This New Moon in Aquarius coupled with the Lunar New Year starting tomorrow is actually far more aligned with fresh starts than the traditional calendar January 1. Honestly, conventional modern culture’s New Year’s Eve is about as misaligned with the seasons and cycles of nature and astrology as you can possibly get, so I wouldn’t feel down if January wasn’t stellar – it wasn’t aligned for new starts. Dust yourself off and try again.

I Thought I Told You That We Won’t Stop

Alright, so what’s all this fresh start good for then? First, if you’ve been looking to upgrade your technology, or tech skills, it’s a very aligned year for it and an extremely aligned month for it (take a look at all those planets moving direct into Aquarius, the sign of technology, this month on the Feb 1 post!). Second, if you’re looking for a clean start with community, peer groups, or organizations – that, too, is aligned. Particularly for any communities aligned to causes because 2024 is going to be a big year for change with Pluto going direct again in Aquarius much of this year. Third, if you’ve been thinking of changing up your network - that, too, is good timing. It is who we know and how we connect with them that helps us reach our goals in life. A plugged-in community that aligns with the kind of person you want to be, not just say you are, but actually be, requires some radical changes sometimes.

Rebel, Rebel, How Could They Know?

Aquarius is one of the oldest constellations, but it’s also one of the faintest and very hard to spot in the night sky. Don’t worry though – you don’t’ have to see it to experience its energy. Aquarius is a fixed sign so if you have your sun or rising in Aquarius, or the other fixed signs, you’ll likely have this energy amped up a bit for you. Not sure the other fixed signs? They are Taurus, Leo and Scorpio. Why does the energy impact both your sun and rising? Your sun represents self-actualization and identity, while your rising represents how you express yourself as an individual and is the sign you need to integrate for self-actualization.

If you’re interested in taking this New Moon further, check out the shop where the instant download New Moon in Aquarius Workbook is 14-pages of Aquarius Mythology and astrology, Journal Prompts, Resources Guide and an individual horoscope for this lunation based on your Rising Sign.


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